Management Reporting
Accounting and finance data have long being existed just for government regulations in the economic system that state-owned enterprises are on the main places in China for more than three decades. Therefore, the long-standing phenomenon is that accounting department is set up no more than for data collection without linkage of market, procurement, storage and production. That is to say, most of finance managers can hardly understand financial statements; much less obtain the useful information through the reports。
With more foreign-funded enterprises entry into Chinese market and many private companies expanding to larger size, market-oriented management system was built up, which forced the enterprises to improve their internal management. Hence, the accounting departments of enterprises transfer their duties from mere accounting management, data collection and regular declaration to new areas such as budget planning, cost control, information conveying and etc. It can be a new concept in the financial management that the accounting department designs strict internal control system involved in day-to-day enterprise supervision, and expresses accurate information to chairman at the first time. Welldone Management Reporting Center was set up to meet new management demand and to provide financial services, based on our long history with our outstanding officials who had work experiences in Big Four and well-known international enterprises。